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I Wish I Had A Nice House

I Wish I Had A Nice House

which one of the following sentences is expression of hope/wish?A. I need a nice houseB. I would like to have a nice house C. I wish i had a nice house D. I like a nice house ​

Daftar Isi

1. which one of the following sentences is expression of hope/wish?A. I need a nice houseB. I would like to have a nice house C. I wish i had a nice house D. I like a nice house ​


C: i wish i had a nice house

2. The expression of hope isa. I need a nice houseb. I would like to have a nice houseC.I wish I had a nice housed. I like a nice house​


b I would like to have a nice house

3. Choose the following sentences with expression of Hope................ *10 poinI need a nice houseI would like to have a nice houseI Wish I had a nice houseI Like a nice house​

I wish i had a nice house (Saya berharap mempunya rumah yang bagus)

exspression of hope = ungkapan berandai/berharap

Semoga membantu


I wish I had a nice house


Pilihan Jawaban :

I need a nice house : Ini menyatakan kalau kita ingin punya rumah yang bagus. Jadi sekedar keinginan, bukan harapan. Kata kunci needI would like to have a nice house : Ini menyatakan kalau kita ditawari/mempunyai rumah. Jadi bukan harapan. Kata kunci wouldlikeI wish I had a nice house : Ini menyatakan harapan kita ingin punya rumah yang bagus. Kata kunci wishI like a nice house : Ini menyatakan kesukaan kita pada rumah yang bagus. Jadi sekedar menyukai, bukan berharap. Kata kunci like


4. 1. Choose the following sentences which expression of hope... a. I want a nice house b. I would like to have a nice house C. I like a nice house d. I wish I had a nice house​


1. D

maaf jika jawaban nya salah

5. 1 the expression of hope is.... A.I need a nice house B.I would like to have a nice house C.I wish I had a nice house D.I like a nice house Apa jawaban anda?




maaf kalau salah:vsemoga

6. The following sentences which expressionof hope is .....I need a nice houseb. I would like to have a nice houseI wish I had a nice housed. I like a nice house​


1. Choose the following sentences which expression of hope!

A. I need a nice house. (statement)

B. I would like to have a nice house. (intention)

C. I wish I had a nice house. (hope expression)

D. I like a nice house. (statement)


√Semoga bermanfaat apabila jawaban ini menurutnya kakak benar dan membantu jangan lupa jadikan yang terbaik dengan cara memecet bintang .

Note : Koreksi bila ada kesalahan dan semangat terus kak ^_^

7. 4 poinWhich of the followingsentences is expression of HopeO I need a nice houseO I would like to have a nice houseO O O CO I like a nice houseI wish I had a nice house​


I wish I had a nice house


di kalimat tersebut terdapat kata " wish " yang artinya berharap.

semoga membantu guys : )


i wish i had a nice house


I wish ( aku berharap)

expression of hope ( ekspresi mengharapkan/ berharap)

semoga membantu

8. 1. Choose the following sentences which expression of hope! A. I need a nice houseB. I would like to have a nice houseC.I wish I had a nice houseD. I like a nice house ​

We use hope to pray for other people’s success, achievements, and good fortunes. We use congratulations for people on their success, achievements, and good fortunes.


1. Choose the following sentences which expression of hope!

A. I need a nice house. (statement)

B. I would like to have a nice house. (intention)

C. I wish I had a nice house. (hope expression)

D. I like a nice house. (statement)

2. The suitable expression to complete the dialog below is ...

Faiz: What's up? You look so sad.

Rizki: My brother got sick and he is still hospitalized.

Faiz: That's too bad. I'sm sorry to hear that. How is he now?

Rizki: He is getting better now.

Faiz: Oh, he will get well soon.

Rizki: I hope so.

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Detail Jawaban

Kelas: IX

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Congratulations! (Chapter 1)

Kode: 9.5.1


9. 1. Choose the following sentences which expression of Hope ..... a. I need a nice house b. I would like to have a nice house c. I wish I had a nice house d. I like a nice house

Pilihlah kalimat berikut yang merupakan ekspresi harapan:

C. I wish I had a nice house (Aku berharap memilki sebuah rumah yang indah)

Alasan: dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat kata yang menyatakan harapan yaitu "wish" (berharap).


Expression of Hope merupakan ekspresi yang menunjukkan harapan, cita-cita, keinginan seseorang akan sesuatu hal.


I hope you will lend me your dictionary. (Aku harap kamu akan meminjamkan kepadaku kamusmu.)

I wish she did not say those words to her mom. (Aku berharap dia tidak mengatakan kata-kata itu kepada ibunya.)

Pembahasan soal:

a. I need a nice house (Aku butuh sebuah rumah yang indah) => Bukan ekspresi harapan

b. I would like to have a nice house (Aku menginginkan memiliki sebuah rumah indah) => Bukan ekspresi harapan

c. I wish I had a nice house (Aku berharap memilki sebuah rumah yang indah) => Ekspresi harapan

d. I like a nice house (Aku suka sebuah rumah yang indah) => Bukan ekspresi harapan

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

1. Fungsi sosial Expression of Hope brainly.co.id/tugas/9018976

2. Tujuan mempelajari Expression of Hope brainly.co.id/tugas/16712924

3. Contoh dari Expression of Hope brainly.co.id/tugas/30328635

Detail Jawaban:

Kelas: IX SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Expression of congratulation, stating hope and wishes

Kode: 9.5.1


10. 5. Choose the following sentences which expressionof Hope .....a. I need a nice house.b. I would like to have a nice housec. I wish I had a nice housed. I like a nice house​

C. I wish I had a nice house.



5. Pilih kalimat berikut yang ekspresiHarapan...


C. Saya berharap saya memiliki rumah yang bagus.

Jadikan Jawaban Tercerdas Ya...

11. the expression of hope is...a.Ineed a nice houseb.would like to have a nice house c.I wish I had a nice housed.I like a nice house​


c.I wish I had a nice house

Semoga bermanfaat

12. a.15. Choose the following sentences whichexpression of hope ....I need a nice houseb. I would like to have a nice houseC. I wish I had a nice housed. I like a nice houseof​


c. i wish i had a nice house


13. Choose the following sentences with exspression of hope A.i need a nice house B. I would like to have a nice C. I wish i had a nice house D. I like a nice house Yg mana jawabannya?





Pilih kalimat berikut dengan ekspresi harapan A. Saya perlu rumah yang bagus B. Saya ingin memiliki yang menyenangkan C. Saya berharap saya punya rumah yang bagus D. Saya suka rumah yang bagus




Karena opsi c memiliki kalimat yang berarti harapan, I wish i had a nice house. Yang berarti saya berharap memiliki rumah yang bagus. Kata wish merupakan salah satu kalimat yang perlu digaris bawahi dalam exspression of hope

14. The sentence show expression of hope is....... *A. I need a nice houseB. I would like to have a nice houseC. I wish I had a nice houseD. I like a nice house​



C.IwishIhadanicehouse(Saya berharap saya memiliki rumah yang bagus)

Wishdengan hopememiliki arti yang hampir sama/berdekatan. Sehingga jawaban sudah tertera, yakni C.IwishIhadanicehouse


Semoga membantu ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ

15. I choose theFollowingsentenceswhichexpression ofHope.aI needhousenicelikeI had6. I wouldI wishto havehouse.nicehouseanicehoused. 1liketerjemahkan dalam bahasa indonesia​


Saya memilih




ekspresi dari



saya butuh




Saya punya

6. Saya akan

saya harap








d. 1


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