Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hewan Peliharaan
Buatlah dialog bahasa inggris tentang hewan peliharaan
1. Buatlah dialog bahasa inggris tentang hewan peliharaan
James: Hey, Jesica. Wow! I never thought that we will meet at the park with your pet.
Jesica: This is impressive, isn’t it?
James: Yes, it is. How long have you been here with the pet?
Jesica: Well. I’ve taken care of cats since last month. This is my third cat. The name is Cathy. She came from Persia.
James: Oh, man! She is cute, isn’t she?
Jesica: Yes, she is.
James: How old is Cathy?
Jesica: She is three months old. She was 2 months when I bought her in the pet shop.
James: Wow!
Jesica: So, who is that dog, James?
James: The name is Jericho. He comes from the Bulldog family. I took him when he was a baby. Now he is five months.
Jesica: How many dogs do you have, James?
James: I have four dogs at my house and three dogs at my uncle’s house.
Jesica: Wow! That’s amazing, James.
James: Yeah. I can’t take care of all of them in my house, so I need my uncle hands to take care of the dogs.
Jesica: Are they the bulldogs?
James: This is the only one. The others are Siberian Husky and Doberman.
Jesica: Are they tame?
James: Yes, they are. But keep your eyes open because they can hurt you someday. It means that we have to love them in every situation and condition. If we can do it well, I’m sure they will do the same thing to us.
Jesica: Yes, I agree with that. Do you agree that we have to protect them from the bad guys?
James: Yes, I agree with you. We have to protect them from the black market seller.
Jesica: Yes, you’re right. How many times do you give them foods?
James: I feed them three times a day. And I give them a blanket in a cage. It makes them keep warm.
Jesica: Yes, I do the same thing with you. However, they are a part of our family. Am I right?
James: Yes, you’re right. By the way, the sun is going down. We have to go home. See you tomorrow in here, Jesica.
Jesica: See you soon, James.
2. Dialog bahasa inggris tentang hewan peliharaan 3 orang
sam: hey Amy!
amy:oh hi sam!
sam:what are you gonna do today?
amy:oh I'm gonna go to Tom's house, I want to play with his cat.
sam:wow that's exiting, may I come to?
tom:oh may you've come!
amy:Tom!its nice to see you!
tom:yes. are you going to play with my cat?
amy:yes is it here?
tom:well...yes buys shes sick ,I need to take her to the vet.
sam:oh no that's doesn't sound good!
Amy oh my dog is also sick .
sam:you guys are lucky, my gold fish died.
tom: how could that happen?
Sam:well...I forgot to feed it 3 weeks then it dies
tom:you should have feed it
sam:I know and I won't repeat it again
amy:so are we going to the vet?
tom:yes let's go!
3. contoh dialog bersama teman tenyang hewan peliharaan bahasa inggris
Jimmy : Do you have pet?
Carl : Yes, I do
jimmy : What pet Do you have?
carl : I have cat.
Jimmy : What kind cat do you have?
Carl : I have angora Cat
Jimmy : What colours is your cat?
Carl : it is brown.
Jimmy : How Old is your cat?
Carl : Maybe, one year old.
Jimmy : Where did You buy your cat?
Carl : I bought in Soraya Pet in Dalung Permai
Jimmy : How much is your cat?
Carl : Rp. 3.000.000ben:donny do you have a pet?
donny:yes,i do
ben:what cat you have?
donny:i have mengkun cat
ben:whare did you buy that cat?
donny:no i don't buy it im found it in my grandma house
ben:what is your cat name?
donny: my cat name is mozza
ben:what your cat color?
donny:my cat color is grey
maaf bila penulisannya salah,semoga bermanfaat ya:)
4. tolong buatkan dialog drama bahasa inggris yang bertopik descriptive hewan peliharaan Ya .pleasee.....
Contoh teks descriptive sederhana tentang hewan peliharaan (pet).
I have a hamster. It is small and cute. I give him a name, Dion. I bought him last month when I visited Jogjakarta. I really love him.
Dion has 3 different colours, white, orange and black. His eyes and ears are small. He always squeaks in the time I come close to his cage.
Every morning I feed him. Dion likes to eat some grass and leaves. I takes the grass from the field near my house. Dion looks happy to eat it.
boni : hi , mila
mila : hi boni
boni : what is animal do you like ?
mila : oeh , i like rabbit
boni : why ?
mila : because it is cute . and you boni . what are you like rabbit ?
boni : no , i dont like rabbit . i like cat .
5. bahasa inggris hewan peliharaan
Bahasa inggrisnya hewan peliharaan adalah pet
pet, tinggal nambahin katadepannya contoh, My Pet
6. tolong buatkan dialog bahasa inggris tentang peliharaan hewan ikan lele plis bantu buat bsk
I Have fish My Fish A Beautiful My Fish life in water maaf kalo salah
7. Tolong buatkan dialog bahasa inggris Situasi : kehilangan hewan peliharaan 1 Orang minimal 5 percakapan dialog
Rin : hey Arthur
Arthur : hey Rin.
Rin : what's wrong Arthur? you looks like you are worried.
Arthur : well...
Rin : what's wrong? did you lost something?
Arthur : yeah... it's my cat.. Shiro, she is missing this morning and i already searching for her since this morning.
Rin : your persian cat? the white one?
Arthur : yes..
Rin : i will help you sewrching for her, i will look for her at the park and you can search for her at her favorite place, if we don't find her yet then we will report to the pollice office. okay?
Arthur : okay.
(several hours later)
Rin : Arthur, i find her at the park. here she is.
Arthur : thank you so much Rin.
Rin : your welcome
8. bahasa inggrisnya hewan peliharaan?
hwan peliharaan =
jawabannya itu petpet
kalau tidak salah
9. Buatlah dialog bahasa inggris 3 orang dengan tema hewan peliharaan
Sam: hey Amy!
Amy:oh hi sam!
Sam:what are you gonna do today?
Amy:oh I'm gonna go to Tom's house, I want to play with his cat.
Sam:wow that's exiting, may I come to?
Tom:oh may you've come!
Amy:Tom!its nice to see you!
Tom:yes. are you going to play with my cat?
Amy:yes is it here?
Tom:well...yes buys shes sick ,I need to take her to the vet.
Sam:oh no that's doesn't sound good!
Amy oh my dog is also sick .
Sam:you guys are lucky, my gold fish died.
Tom: how could that happen?
Sam:well...I forgot to feed it 3 weeks then it dies
Tom:you should have feed it
Sam:I know and I won't repeat it again
Amy:so are we going to the vet?
Tom:yes let's go!
Semoga Bermanfaat
10. Contoh Dialog bahasa inggris cara merawat hewan peliharaan yang diperankan 2 orang
goddess: Hi what are you angels?
angel: oh i am taking care of my pet, do you want to know how to care for animals well and true Goddess?
Dewi: Of course, what are the ways to care for pets properly?
angels: How to care for animals correctly has several ways1. Feed regularly2. Bathe the animal3.Giving road animals to avoid getting bored4. Examine animals once a month so as not to get sick5. Give medicine if the animal has the disease6. Give vitamins7.Give a comfortable place to live for animals.
Dewi: Well you know a lot about how to care for animals well, now I know more how to care for animals well, thank you angels
Angels: You are welcome
11. Bahasa inggris hewan peliharaan
Bahasa inggris hewan peliharaan adalah
semoga membantu:)
12. dialog membicarakan binatang peliharaan bahasa inggris
Lisa : hello lisa!
Jennie : hi lisa!
Lisa : owh you have a new cat?
Jennie : yes, his name is tubby, she is very cute and love eating fish.
Lisa : owhh, ah! I want to have a cat too right now :(
Jennie : maybe if tubby has a child i would give it to you
Lisa : oh ok jennie :), but i think my music class will start in 5 minutes, goodbye!
Jennie : goodbye, have a nice class lisa!
13. buatlah dialog bahasa Inggris tiga orang Bertemakan hewan peliharaanTolong Jawab Bener ya
Udin: hi, I just bought my father a fighting fish
Saipudin:Wow, what a beautiful fish
Jainudin: I also have a pet, I've been taking care of it for a long time
Udin:what animal do you keep?
Jainudin: I keep a hamster, he is very cute and likes to play
Saipudin:I don't have a pet yet, maybe later I will ask my father
Udin: no need to buy, you can get it from the environment around us, for example the river, you can catch fish and keep it
Jainudin:That is a good idea,saipudin
Saipudin:thanks guys
semoga membantu
14. Buat dialog opini 2 orang, tentang hewan peliharaan kucing (dalam bahasa inggris)
A: Hey, Good Morning B. Wow! I never thought that we will meet at the park with your pet.
B: Good Morning A, Yes me too.....This is impressive, isn’t it?
A: Yes, it is. But the way.... How long have you been the pet?
B: Well. I’ve taken care of cats since last month. This is my first cat. The name is Cutie. She came from Persia.
A: Wow! She is very cute, How old is Cutie?
B: Yes, she is. She is three months old. She was 2 months when I bought her in the pet shop.
A : Cool, Btw I must go now... thanks for the conversation. I hope to see you again soon.
B : Ok take care. It's been nice talking to you. Let's keep in touch.
A : Ok bye
B : Bye
15. Tolong buatkan dialog bahasa inggris Situasi: kehilangan hewan peliharaan
sam help me
jonh why
sam because my pet are lostShafira : Badut.. badut... (Sigh)
Friend come out of nowhere
Friend : What are you looking for?
Shafira: I'm looking for my pet, a persian cat.
Friend : Oh.. you lost your cat. May I help you then?
Shafira : Yes.. thank you very much
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